8 Nov 2011

Kekuatan Impian

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams…"
-- Eleanor Roosevelt --

Masa depan hanyalah milik orang-orang yang percaya akan keindahan
mimpi-mimpi mereka.

Impian adalah ambisi dari dalam diri manusia yang menjadi penggerak
untuk maju. Impian merupakan hasrat yang akan menggerakkan manusia
untuk mewujudkannya. Dunia ini bertumbuh dengan peradaban yang lebih
tinggi dan tehnologi yang lebih hebat itu berkat impian orang-orang
besar. Orang-orang besar itu adalah para pemimpi.

Menurut Francis Ford Coppola, "It was the man's dream, and his
inspiring attempt to make them come true that remain important. – Itu
mimpi manusia yang terpenting, dan upayanya yang inspiratif
mengupayakan mimpi itu menjadi kenyataan."  
Kemajuan kehidupan saat
ini merupakan hasil impian generasi pendahulu kita.

Mereka yang tidak mempunyai impian meninggalkan banyak hal yang
ditawarkan oleh kehidupan. Hasrat atau kegigihan mereka mudah sekali
pudar, sehingga mereka dengan mudah mengubah impian mereka menjadi
sangat sederhana. Padahal, impian yang besar mempunyai kekuatan yang
besar pula. Orang-orang yang berhasil mencatat nama dalam sejarah
rata-rata mempunyai ciri khas yaitu selalu mampu memperbarui impian

Impian merupakan sumber motivasi. Impian akan mempengaruhi pikiran bawah sadar. Misalnya kita  memimpikan sebuah kamera merek A, maka kita menjadi lebih jeli
memperhatikan benda tersebut. Tantangan berat yang harus dihadapi
bukan sesuatu yang berarti jika impian sudah menjadi nafas kita. "It
may be that those who do most, dream most, - Mereka mengerjakan
sesuatu dengan giat, sebab mereka sangat memimpikannya,"
 kata Stephen
Butler Leacock.

Bahkan impian dapat menjamin keberhasilan, karena senantiasa menjadi
sumber motivasi hingga mencapai tujuan atau menggapai tujuan
selanjutnya. Dorongan motivasi itulah yang akan menggerakkan tubuh
dan mengatur strategi yang harus ditempuh, misalnya bagaimana mencari
informasi dan menjalin komunikasi maupun bekerjasama dengan orang
Nelson Mandela, sebelum menjadi Presiden Afrika Selatan, ia harus
berjuang untuk sebuah impian negara Afrika Selatan yang berdaulat.
Untuk itu ia menghadapi tantangan teramat berat. Impian selalu
memotivasi Nelson Mandela untuk tetap berjuang, meskipun ia harus
merelakan sebagian besar waktunya dibalik terali besi. Impian
merupakan sumber semangat bagi Nelson, hingga Afrika Selatan benar- benar merdeka.

Sebenarnya, kitapun dapat memperbarui nilai dan menyempurnakan jati
diri dengan kekuatan impian. Jadi jangan takut untuk bermimpi akan
hal-hal yang besar, sebab impian menimbulkan hasrat yang kuat untuk
meraihnya. Impian mampu berperan sebagai sumber motivasi, yang
membangkitkan ambisi dan optimisme, sehingga kita mampu melampaui
semua rintangan dan kesulitan.
Impian Menciptakan Energi Besar untuk Berprestasi

Impian menjadikan manusia penuh vitalitas dalam bekerja. Impian itu
sendiri sebenarnya merupakan sumber energi menghadapi tantangan yang
tidak gampang. Menurut Anais Nin, "Hidup ini mengerut atau berkembang
sesuai dengan keteguhan hati seseorang." Ada 4 tips sederhana guna
menjadikan impian sebagai sumber energi kita yaitu disingkat dengan
kata PLUS, yaitu; percaya, loyalitas, ulet dan sikap mental positif.

Rasa percaya menjadikan seseorang pantang menyerah, meskipun mungkin
orang lain mengkritik atau menghalangi. Kepercayaan itu juga
membentuk kesadaran bahwa manusia diciptakan di dunia ini sebagai
pemenang. Tips yang kedua adalah loyalitas atau fokus untuk
merealisasikan impian. Untuk mendapatkan daya dorong yang luar biasa,
maka tentukan pula target waktu.

Tips yang ketiga adalah ulet. Sebuah impian menjadikan seseorang
bekerja lebih lama dan keras. Sedangkan tips yang ke empat adalah
sikap mental positif. Seseorang yang mempunyai impian memahami bahwa
keberhasilan memerlukan pengorbanan, kerja keras dan komitmen, waktu
serta dukungan dari orang lain. Oleh sebab itu, mereka selalu
bersemangat mengembangkan kemampuan tanpa henti dan mencapai kemajuan
terus menerus hingga tanpa batas. Impian yang sudah menjadi nafas
kehidupan merupakan daya dorong yang luar biasa.

Impian Menjadikan Kehidupan Manusia Lebih Mudah Dijalani
Impian menjadikan manusia lebih kuat menghadapi segala rintangan dan
tantangan. Sebab impian dapat menimbulkan kemauan keras untuk
merealisasikannya. Para pencipta puisi Belanda atau Dutch Poet's
Society mengatakan "Nothing is difficult to those who have the will, - Tidak ada sesuatupun yang sulit selama masih ada kemauan." 
Bob William mampu berlari dengan menggunakan kedua tangan. Ia tidak
merasakan sakit di tangannya. Sebab sebuah tujuan yang berarti
menjadikan segala sesuatu dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan

Kunci kebahagiaan adalah mempunyai impian. Sedangkan kunci kesuksesan
itu sendiri adalah mewujudkan impian. George Lucas
mengatakan, "Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless
you imagine it, - Impian sangatlah penting. Kau tidak akan dapat
melakukan apa-apa sebelum kau membayangkannya." 

Jadi jangan takut memimpikan sesuatu. Jadikan impian tersebut sebagai
nafas kehidupan. Sebab impian yang kuat justru menjadikan perjuangan
yang berat saat menggapainya sebagai sarana latihan mengoptimalkan
kekuatan-kekuatan yang lain, misalnya kekuatan emosi, fisik, maupun spiritual.

5 Nov 2011

Save The World (feat. John Martin)

Into the streets, we're coming out
We never sleep, never get tired
Through urban fields, in suburbian life

Turn the crowd up now, we'll never back down
Shoot down a skyline, and watch it on prime time
Turn up the love now
Listen up now
Turn up the love

Who's gonna save the world tonight
Who's gonna bring me back to life
But we're gonna make it you and I
We're gonna save the world tonight

Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh

I'm far from home, it's for the better
What we dream, it's all that matters
We're on our way, united

Turn the crowd up now, we'll never back down
Shoot down a skyline, and watch it on prime time
Turn up the love now
Listen up now
Turn up the love

Who's gonna save the world tonight
Who's gonna bring me back to life
But we're gonna make it you and I
We're gonna save the world tonight

Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh

5 Ways to Save the World

It’s no secret that the world’s natural resources are limited and endangered. Despite all efforts to save the world by gaining support globally for environmentally sound programs there remains some resistance. There is hope, however, in the fact that every individual can help save the world by setting a priority in their daily living activities by making ecologically sound choices. There are 5 ways to save the world ecology that are easily done by individuals no matter where they reside.


Recycling is well known by people in most modern countries. Set up a home recycling center by using several boxes or bins and separate out items for recycling. Collect cardboard, plastic, glass, paper and metal in the containers. Children will enjoy your attempt to save the world in this fashion. Kids have fun helping out especially when they can dump the bins into the recycling center containers. Recycling is simple enough that even the youngest children can understand about doing the separating. Take care with disposal of your batteries and other hazardous materials to see that they get to the proper place for recycling. Extend your effort to save the world by shopping for recyclables and buying from resale stores, using libraries and rental stores.

Stop buying bottled water

Water is another limited resource but a necessity to have to save the world. Many people enjoy bottle water but using bottled water is not ecologically sound. Besides possible health risks, the process for making the bottles can harm the environment and waste is another problem. Bottle production requires the use of fossil fuels and toxic chemicals in the plastic bottles can harm health and leach out as pollution. Save the world by using fewer plastic liquid containers.

Use less gas and electricity

Another way to save the world is to use less gas and electricity. Combine errands into one trip so you drive fewer miles. Trade in a gas guzzler for a more efficient car. Carpool to work or take public transportation. Better still, walk or ride your bicycle. Your efforts to save the world help reduce larger emissions from power plants. Use energy efficient appliances and power saver settings. Replace incandescent bulbs with long lasting energy saver CFL bulbs.

Have a smaller carbon footprint

Do some calculations to determine your carbon footprint. With a smaller carbon footprint you create less pollution and help save the world. Go online and use one of many carbon footprint calculators that are offered to see what kind of human footprint you are creating. The carbon footprint is a method of determining what impact a human has on the environment. One way to save the world is to reduce your carbon footprint by changing your lifestyle. Much human activity causes the release of greenhouse gases including CO2 into the atmosphere which can cause global warming. You can reduce your carbon footprint by doing things like planting a tree, driving less or driving a more efficient car. Knowing what foods to buy is another way to save the world. Foods that require less processing and fertilizer are kinder to the environment.

Plant a tree

Another old favorite in the effort to save the world is to plant a tree. Plant many trees! Reforestation is an excellent group project and can be done in many places. Trees actually contribute more oxygen into the atmosphere than other green things like grass. As world forests are being depleted it is more important than ever to replace these giant oxygen generators. This is a save the world effort that should be done liberally at home. Make it a family occasion and plant a tree to honor each child. Help save the world by starting at home!

Want to Save the World? I’ll Tell You How

Article by Zen Habits contributor Jonathan Mead.
Our planet isn’t in very good shape right now. The air is polluted. The ocean is becoming plastic soup. We’re in a financial crisis.
Things don’t seem to be looking too good, huh?
There are a lot of people, that have a lot of answers. Everyone thinks their answer is right. We need cleaner, natural sources for energy. We need biodegradable products that if dumped, will simply disintegrate within a few weeks. As far as the financial crisis goes, that’s a little trickier. Some people say we need more regulation. Others say we need more jobs. Others still say the cost of living is increasing too fast for our incomes to keep up.
Everyone has answers.
The problem is, none of these answers address the fundamental problem:
We don’t need to do anything about it.
No, I didn’t stutter.
The answer isn’t in better solutions, fixes and different angles. The answer is… we need to do less.
There’s a fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred. I’m sure you’re familiar with this, we all learned it in school. And the same rule applies to everything in life, but I guess we didn’t listen very well.
See, the problem we’re in this big mess is really simple. It may seem like there’s so much we need to do, to make things right. And that’s the problem. We don’t need to do more. We don’t need to make more of an effort. We need to do less.
That’s why I don’t understand a lot of these “green enthusiasts.” They say we need greener products, with less of an environmental impact. They want to make our consumables more eco-friendly. I agree this is part of the answer, but the issue is really only a sliver of the type of things we consume. It’s how much we consume.
Consuming has caused the majority of our financial and environmental problems. We take more than we give. We know that we’ll need to repay our debt sooner or later, but we put it off. Interest accrues, financially and ecologically. It’s not until the problem gets so huge — and we can’t ignore it anymore — that we take action.
Just like energy cannot be created, or destroyed, we can’t magically make our financial or environmental debts disappear. The rubber band can only bend so far before it swings back.
So why do we avoid using less? Why are we so hungry to consume? Maybe it’s because we’re looking for the wrong things. Maybe what we really need is an internal revolution.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways we can use the power of less to restore balance.
  • Driving less, walking more. Not only will you be saving the environment, you’ll be saving your heart as well. Bonus!
  • Wanting less, appreciating more. Instead of wanting a big home you can’t afford, maybe you should settle for living in smaller home in a less expensive area. Enjoy your space more. By spending less money on mortgage, you’ll be saving more time. Time is life. Win/win.
  • Talking less, listening more. We spend most of our time listening formulating our response. You’d be amazed how much people never really hear each other at all. Think about how your life can be improved by understanding people better. You’ll probably avoid a lot of unnecessary drama do to misunderstandings. When I do this, my wife gets mad at me less for not listening. That’s always nice. =)
  • Buy things that are more expensive, but last longer. A double edged razor will last a lot longer than disposable razors. You’ll save money too. Use real dishes instead of plastic/paper. It may seem like a little more work to wash them, but it really isn’t. It takes more energy to mine that plastic, manufacture, package, distribute and purchase then it does to wash a dish. Rethink convenience.
  • Spend more time being mindful. The more mindful we are, the more we’ll save. We often waste a lot of time rushing around, trying to do too many things at once. We try to print a report, make coffee, and talk on the phone at the same time. Doing this we run the risk of printing the wrong pages, accidentally forgetting the coffee filter and saying the wrong thing. We spend more time correcting ourselves than we would save simply being mindful.
  • Less things. The more things we buy, the more we resources we take from the planet. The more we consume, the larger that debt becomes. Buying new clothes, appliances or phones isn’t really a bad thing. It’s our addiction to buy the newest and greatest each year or every few months that is dangerous. After all, that old thing has to go somewhere. And it’s probably in a landfill somewhere.
How can you use the power of less is to help save the planet? I would love to hear your ideas.
This article was written by Zen Habits contributor Jonathan Mead of the Illuminated Mind blog. For more ways to do less (and get more), grab a subscription to Illuminated MInd.

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1 Nov 2011

My Experience In Wisata Bahari Lamongan

Last year I and My Friends school went to Wisata Bahari Lamongan. We went together from the school at 07.00 A.M and we went to there by Bus.
After arrived there I and Friends waited ticket in waiting room. After that, we gave an instruction from my teacher. He bundle off for went to gate of Wisata Bahari Lamongan. After that, we enter to arena of play. Then, we played of play facility and went to Beach. In there, we didn’t forget to take picture
That is My beautiful experience and never forgotten. I’m so very happy to there.