31 Okt 2011

Islam Is Our Choice

Lailaha Illallah

Inilah tugas kami semua
Menyinari dada bersama cahaya
Marilah oh manusia
Kita menyembah Allah Yang Esa

Walau tutur bicara
Walau kulit berbeza
Namun Islam tetap menerima
Islam bukan apartheid
Islam bukan berkasta
Islam untuk semua
Islam cara hidup kita

Here we are joining hands together
We hope to light your heart now and forever
Let us all oh mankind
Let us turn to God Allah is the one

Different cultures different race
Different languages different taste
It doesn't matter who you are
Islam is the way to peace
Islam is for you and me
Islam is for everyone
Islam is our choice
Islam is our way of life

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